Craig Boyd, co-founder and head of trainers at Precision athletics in Vancouver ( will be test driving Blonyx HMB+ Creatine over the next month. Craig will be keeping us up to date on his progress. First instalment below. Good luck Craig!
See Craig's profile at:
August Expirement
by craig on Aug.07, 2011, under My Training
My friends over at Blonyx offered me a trial of their HMB and Creatine supplement. Creatine gives your muscles creatine phosphate which is used in forceful contractions (helps with the ability to get one or two more reps at the end of a set)and HMB helps reduce the damage done by training and enhances recovery. HMB also prevents muscle protein breakdown and stimulates muscle protein production to help build muscle. The thing I like about Blonxy is they use only independent research for supplements with proven results. You will not see any fat burners etc for sale on their site. They link to all the independent research. I am taking the supplement after reviewing the research on HMB and Creatine for strength gains
I have been recovering form a shoulder injury sustained getting tripped at soccer, for the last year and have not been able to train my upper body with any intensity. I figured I could use the any help I could get. My plan is to publish my starting stats each month and final stats at the end of the month. This will not be a double blind experiment as I would need an equally de-conditioned person with my training history to not take the supplement and report their results. This will however be interesting to see if I do recover quicker and get back to training intensely with no ill effects (excess muscle soreness limiting training capacity)
- Vancouver Personal Trainer Craig Boyd meets his goal of a 400 lb dead lift @ 170 lb bw =235% of bw
Testing in:
Broad Jump- 86 1/2 ”
Vertical Jump- 21″
1RM (personal best in brackets) Clean 165 lbs (185 lbs) Bench Press 205 lbs (255 lbs) Dead Lift 355 lbs (405 lbs) Squat 305 lbs (325 lbs)
3 Rm
Weighted Chin Ups +45 lbs (+90 lbs)
Body Weight, Composition and Measurements
169 lbs BF% 13 estimate 7 point caliper test total mm 120
Flexed Arm 33
Waist (over navel) 90
Hip (trochanter) 95
Quad (mid-thigh) 50
Total (cms) Total 268
To increase: lean muscle, strength, power and speed and decrease fat mass. In layman’s terms leaner , faster and stronger (or dead lift 400lbs or over at a leaner bf%)
The Program
I will be doing a three day program Monday Wednesday and Friday focusing on heavy lifting, Olympic lifts, kettle bells and body weight training. On the in between days I will do cardio, extra core training and some postural exercises to assist my shoulder.
Monday (warm up set omitted for space purposes, always do a thorough warm up)
Deadlift 1 set at 90-95%% 1 RM x 2 followed by 5-10 depth jumps
Bench Press 1 set 90-95% 1 rm x 2 followed by 5-10 clap push ups
Deadlift1 set at 85% 1 rm x 5 reps followed by 5-10 depth jumps
Bench Press 1 set at 85% 1rm followed by 5-10 clap push ups
Followed by a full body kettle-bell or BW circuit training program.
Squat 1 set at 90-95%% 1 RM x 2 followed by 5-10 broad jumps
OH Press 1 set at 90-95%% 1 RM x 2 followed by 5-10 plyo ball throws
Squat 1 set at 85% 1 rm x 5 reps followed by 5-10 broad jumps
OH Press 1 set at 85% 1rm x5 followed by 5-10 pylo ball throws
Followed by a full body kettle-bell or BW circuit training program
Clean 1 set 95-100% 1 rm x 1 followed by depth jumps
Weighted chin Ups 1 set at 90-95% 3rm followed by BW explosive chin ups
Clean 1 set 85% 1 rm x 3 followed by depth jumps
Weighted chin Ups 1 set at 90-95% 3rm followed by BW explosive chin ups
Followed by a full body kettle-bell or BW circuit
I will post workout log weekly to this blog as well as comments on how I feel recovery wise.
:Craig Boyd, cross-fit training vancouver, fitness training vancouver, personal trainer vancouver, strength training vancouver, vancouver strength coach
(see also: