Infographic - The Kettlebell Swing & Avoiding the Dreaded "No Rep"
There are a lot of things in 'the Sport of Fitness' that can suck, but few things suck more than getting No-Repped, especially when it really matters (e.g. the Open)....
There are a lot of things in 'the Sport of Fitness' that can suck, but few things suck more than getting No-Repped, especially when it really matters (e.g. the Open)....
Well they're not all here (missing a breakdown of movements like the Butterfly Pullup, (Bar) Muscle-up, Toes to bar etc), but check out this cool infographic from Catalyst Athletics, breaking...
Originally this was designed for the Crossfit games (as you can no doubt tell from the title) BUT we figured this was a good time to share it as it...
"Common dietary mistakes will sap your energy, lower your immunity, and make you cranky. Basic unsuspected foods can make you weak, soft, and fat. Replace them with Bulletproof foods that...
How do you load your barbell? a)Lots of little (5 and 10lb plates)? b) A mix of 'heavy' and 'light' plates in no particular order? c) It doesn't matter....I use...
Did you know that based on past years it is expected that 45% of Americans will make a New Years Resolution (or more than one) but only 8% will...
Who remembers learning about "Healthy Eating and Fitness" in high school? (or elementary school for that matter). If you do, chances are you remember the "Food Pyramid" i.e. 6-11 servings...
Why Do We Strength Train? In addition to feeling (and looking) like badasses, lifting weights can help Lower Blood Pressure Improve sleep patterns Boost Metabolism Increase our levels of dopamine,...
Like the Snatch? Want to get better at Jerking? .... Check out step by step breakdown of the Snatch, Clean and Jerk from the UK Olympic Weightlifting Page
10 years ago if you asked someone about the paleo diet, or went on a hunt for paleo-friendly foods chances are you'd be shit out of luck most of the...
Dehydration can cause... fatigue skin disorders digestive disorders weight gain bladder problems kidney problems and more.... Sounds unappealing doesn't it? So drink up and read more
Do you know what your feet are/should be doing during the snatch and clean & jerk? Check it out this poster from FuBarbell